05 June 2018 – MacGregor, part of Cargotec, has signed an order with Armada Rock Karunia (ARK) for a MacGregor heavy duty crane, type K5036-HD which will be installed on their new floating crane barge in Indonesia. The contract was signed on 9 May 2018 during Coaltrans Asia conference in Bali and it is booked into Cargotec’s second quarter 2018 order intake.

This new crane will be ARK’s fourth heavy duty crane from MacGregor. “We are very pleased with the proven technology and reliability MacGregor heavy duty cranes offer,” says Desmond Wong, CEO of ARK. “It is crucial for our business to have continuous and trouble free operation, and this is what we trust in MacGregor and their equipment,” Mr Wong continues.
“High capacity and durability of the cranes is essential for our customers operations and their business profitability. We have a proven track record of our operations, and can support our customers throughout the lifecycle of their investment word-wide,” says Mikael Hägglund, Sales Manager, Transloading and Self unloading systems at MacGregor.
ARK provides offshore transhipment solutions for coal and other dry bulk industries in Indonesia and South-East Asia. MacGregor is happy to support ARK to achieve their goal of becoming one of the industry leaders in their region.
For more information please contact:
Mikael Hägglund, Sales Manager, Transloading and Self unloading systems, Cargo Handling, MacGregor
Tel. +46 660 294 096
Email: Mikael.hagglund@macgregor.com
Heli Malkavaara, Senior Communications Manager, MacGregor
Tel. +358 20 777 4500
Email: heli.malkavaara@macgregor.com
MacGregor shapes the offshore and marine industries by offering world-leading engineering solutions and services with a strong portfolio of MacGregor, Hatlapa, Porsgrunn, Pusnes and Triplex brands. Shipbuilders, owners and operators are able to optimise the lifetime profitability, safety, reliability and environmental sustainability of their operations by working in close cooperation with MacGregor.
MacGregor solutions and services for handling marine cargoes, vessel operations, offshore loads, crude/LNG transfer and offshore mooring are all designed to perform with the sea. www.macgregor.com
MacGregor is part of Cargotec. Cargotec’s (Nasdaq Helsinki: CGCBV) sales in 2017 totalled approximately EUR 3.2 billion and it employs over 11,000 people. www.cargotec.com