Press releases
RINA press releases

- The Royal Institution of Naval Architects (RINA) Annual Dinner 2024: A Premier Gathering of Maritime Industry Leaders and Professionals11-03-24
- The Royal Institution of Naval Architects (RINA) to host the Technical Conference: Managing CII and Associated Challenges at the IMO in London, United Kingdom in January 202410-08-23
- Industry Experts to gather for the SURV11 Conference with the focus on Creating the Future of Sustainable Fast Boats in June 202314-06-23
- In partnership with the RNLI and Damen Shipyards, the Royal Institution of Naval Architects to host the SURV1103-04-23
- The Royal Institution of Naval Architects launches Eily Keary Award27-06-19
- Presentation of 2016 CEMT Award to Mr René Berkvens CEO Damen Shipyards Group11-09-17